These are a few of my favorite things
- That part in “Dr. Sunshine is Dead” where Will’s all like “I WILL BE MY SUUUUNNSHINE!!! I WILL BE MY MOON AT NIGHT! WHO ELSE COULD I BE?! WHEN I CAN’T FUCKING SEEEEE?!?!"
- Sleeping
- David Byrne (i love him)
- The dad from Calvin and Hobbes (he's a DILF, and i'm tired of pretending he isn't)
- Marquee Moon by Television (the greatest album to have ever been recorded)
- The number 69 (nice)
- That part at the end of "The First Step" where Will sings the chorus, then starts screaming
- Equations that have 69 for an answer (here's a funny story about one here)
- Saying that I did people's moms (read about a story about one here)
- Really cool perspective shots
- On TV, when the camera zooms out on somebody, Walter White-style.
- That art style a lot of commercials from the 1950s had (one of the only good things about that decade)
- Thermodynamic Lawyer. Just Thermodynamic Lawyer.
- Kani Sanban, Numbuh 3 from Codename: KND's dad (I kin him)
- I have an entire list of music that I adore here:
- Dr. Two-Brains!!!! (he's so silly, he is my comfort character)
- Johnny the Homicidal Maniac (it's my comfort comic)
- That stupid "Punk Rock" logo on the cover for Television's "Prove It" single. (it's absolutely hilarious for some reason)
- Marble runs, Rube Goldberg machines, and anything of the sort (I'm autistic as hell, man, what'd you expect?)
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